WEBVTT 00:00:01.877 --> 00:00:04.630 align:center line:-2 Even though Canada hasn't had the greatest reputation 00:00:04.630 --> 00:00:06.590 align:center line:-2 and relationship with First Nations, 00:00:06.590 --> 00:00:08.509 align:center line:-2 I still feel that it's my responsibility, 00:00:08.509 --> 00:00:10.552 align:center line:-1 because it's my homeland, 00:00:10.552 --> 00:00:13.764 align:center line:-2 to serve it at the utmost respect and honour. 00:00:13.764 --> 00:00:15.724 align:center line:-1 People often ask me, 00:00:15.724 --> 00:00:18.810 align:center line:-2 do you think there's really a need for the ILOY program? 00:00:18.810 --> 00:00:21.063 align:center line:-2 But then those people are probably disconnected 00:00:21.063 --> 00:00:22.898 align:center line:-2 from the reality of what it's like 00:00:22.898 --> 00:00:24.608 align:center line:-1 in an Indigenous community. 00:00:24.608 --> 00:00:28.612 align:center line:-2 So, I think the ILOY program is a great trial year 00:00:28.612 --> 00:00:31.490 align:center line:-2 to see what the military could be like. 00:00:31.490 --> 00:00:35.035 align:center line:-1 ♪ 00:00:47.965 --> 00:00:51.260 align:center line:-2 I wanted to try the military and I was like, 00:00:51.260 --> 00:00:53.762 align:center line:-2 well, this is like an introduction year. 00:00:53.762 --> 00:00:55.430 align:center line:-2 So, if I want to try the military, 00:00:55.430 --> 00:00:57.349 align:center line:-2 this is probably the best way to do it. 00:00:57.349 --> 00:00:59.434 align:center line:-1 It's a big step to take 00:00:59.434 --> 00:01:01.353 align:center line:-1 and it is a great opportunity. 00:01:01.353 --> 00:01:05.482 align:center line:-2 And if you have that calling inside saying you want to go, 00:01:05.482 --> 00:01:08.610 align:center line:-2 like do something a bit different or big, 00:01:08.610 --> 00:01:10.821 align:center line:-2 then this is a good chance to do it. 00:01:10.821 --> 00:01:12.781 align:center line:-2 Like, you come and you travel around, 00:01:12.781 --> 00:01:14.783 align:center line:-2 you meet all kinds of different walks of life. 00:01:14.783 --> 00:01:16.618 align:center line:-2 It's just an opportunity to get out and see 00:01:16.618 --> 00:01:18.120 align:center line:-1 what you can do. 00:01:18.120 --> 00:01:19.872 align:center line:-2 And that's what I really love about ILOY. 00:01:19.872 --> 00:01:21.999 align:center line:-1 It gives them an insight 00:01:21.999 --> 00:01:25.002 align:center line:-2 to what they're capable of and what they can do. 00:01:25.002 --> 00:01:29.339 align:center line:-2 And that can do attitude can take people a lot of places, 00:01:29.339 --> 00:01:32.509 align:center line:-2 whether it's in the military or on the civilian side. 00:01:32.509 --> 00:01:35.137 align:center line:-2 The major incentive, to come here 00:01:35.137 --> 00:01:38.223 align:center line:-2 and not pay for education, that was huge for myself. 00:01:38.223 --> 00:01:41.476 align:center line:-2 ILOY is an Indigenous Leadership Opportunity Year, 00:01:41.476 --> 00:01:43.353 align:center line:-2 and opportunity should be highlighted more 00:01:43.353 --> 00:01:45.939 align:center line:-2 because it's nothing but opportunity. 00:01:45.939 --> 00:01:48.692 align:center line:-1 ♪ 00:02:01.663 --> 00:02:05.918 align:center line:-2 One of the things that I see for candidates coming in, 00:02:05.918 --> 00:02:08.712 align:center line:-2 a lot of them don't really know what RMC is. 00:02:08.712 --> 00:02:11.340 align:center line:-2 So, you're kind of coming in blind a lot of the time. 00:02:11.340 --> 00:02:14.551 align:center line:-2 And a big thing that kind of takes people out off the bat 00:02:14.551 --> 00:02:16.845 align:center line:-1 is the culture shock. 00:02:16.845 --> 00:02:20.724 align:center line:-1 ♪ 00:02:20.724 --> 00:02:23.560 align:center line:-2 It's the switching of the gears from what they're used to. 00:02:23.560 --> 00:02:25.979 align:center line:-2 So, that is the biggest challenge, waking up early, 00:02:25.979 --> 00:02:30.150 align:center line:-2 you know, doing physical training, going to class, 00:02:30.150 --> 00:02:31.818 align:center line:-1 doing military training, 00:02:31.818 --> 00:02:34.905 align:center line:-2 and then having just your hours dictated to you. 00:02:34.905 --> 00:02:38.075 align:center line:-1 It was very overwhelming. 00:02:38.075 --> 00:02:42.204 align:center line:-2 The first few weeks within RMC during ILOY, 00:02:42.204 --> 00:02:44.665 align:center line:-1 we call it orientation period. 00:02:44.665 --> 00:02:46.458 align:center line:-1 It's a military training. 00:02:46.458 --> 00:02:48.126 align:center line:-1 So, it's very scheduled. 00:02:48.126 --> 00:02:52.172 align:center line:-1 From 0530 to 1100 at night, 00:02:52.172 --> 00:02:54.883 align:center line:-1 their day is busy. 00:02:54.883 --> 00:02:58.929 align:center line:-1 ♪ 00:02:58.929 --> 00:03:02.182 align:center line:-2 I think the first thing that went through my mind, 00:03:02.182 --> 00:03:04.518 align:center line:-2 and my peers' mind was, well, what did I get myself into? 00:03:04.518 --> 00:03:07.312 align:center line:-1 But after a little while, 00:03:07.312 --> 00:03:11.233 align:center line:-2 as I started to catch on to our daily program 00:03:11.233 --> 00:03:13.527 align:center line:-1 and the disciplines of RMC, 00:03:13.527 --> 00:03:16.488 align:center line:-2 then I felt that I was in good hands. 00:03:16.488 --> 00:03:18.615 align:center line:-1 I had faith in my leaders. 00:03:18.615 --> 00:03:20.450 align:center line:-1 I relayed to them right away 00:03:20.450 --> 00:03:22.536 align:center line:-1 that they have an opportunity 00:03:22.536 --> 00:03:24.621 align:center line:-1 and they have the potential 00:03:24.621 --> 00:03:26.832 align:center line:-2 to be an officer in the Canadian Armed Forces. 00:03:26.832 --> 00:03:29.585 align:center line:-2 And that potential piece comes from them, 00:03:29.585 --> 00:03:32.087 align:center line:-2 but it's also there on me to get it from them, 00:03:32.087 --> 00:03:34.339 align:center line:-1 to get their potential. 00:03:34.339 --> 00:03:36.133 align:center line:-1 Go! 00:03:36.133 --> 00:03:39.136 align:center line:-1 ♪ 00:03:45.225 --> 00:03:50.147 align:center line:-2 Education at RMC is a lot of time management. 00:03:50.147 --> 00:03:53.525 align:center line:-2 It's the ability to learn every single day. 00:03:53.525 --> 00:03:58.155 align:center line:-1 ♪ 00:04:00.782 --> 00:04:03.076 align:center line:-2 So, we had tutors throughout the whole year. 00:04:03.076 --> 00:04:05.495 align:center line:-2 So, if we were struggling with our classes, 00:04:05.495 --> 00:04:07.456 align:center line:-2 like we had math, chemistry, English, 00:04:07.456 --> 00:04:09.124 align:center line:-1 they could help us with that. 00:04:09.124 --> 00:04:11.502 align:center line:-1 RMC's academics, in regards 00:04:11.502 --> 00:04:14.171 align:center line:-2 to our professors, our mentors, our tutors 00:04:14.171 --> 00:04:17.508 align:center line:-2 and our peers, are some of the best in our nation. 00:04:17.508 --> 00:04:19.259 align:center line:-1 ♪ 00:04:19.259 --> 00:04:21.428 align:center line:-1 I spent a lot of time in the gym 00:04:21.428 --> 00:04:23.180 align:center line:-2 because our gym facilities are excellent. 00:04:23.180 --> 00:04:25.224 align:center line:-2 Like, probably the best gym I've ever been to. 00:04:25.224 --> 00:04:28.560 align:center line:-1 ♪ 00:04:28.560 --> 00:04:31.939 align:center line:-1 As these opportunities, 00:04:31.939 --> 00:04:35.067 align:center line:-2 chances to travel, chances to experience new things, 00:04:35.067 --> 00:04:37.486 align:center line:-2 and take challenges to a new level, 00:04:37.486 --> 00:04:39.988 align:center line:-2 that encouraged more participation. 00:04:39.988 --> 00:04:43.909 align:center line:-1 ♪ 00:04:49.206 --> 00:04:50.999 align:center line:-2 I really like the cultural aspect. 00:04:50.999 --> 00:04:55.754 align:center line:-2 I got to learn about smudging and sweat lodges. 00:04:55.754 --> 00:04:59.341 align:center line:-2 The elders, they offer a lot of teachings. 00:04:59.341 --> 00:05:01.844 align:center line:-2 Teach the students how to smudge, 00:05:01.844 --> 00:05:06.014 align:center line:-2 we conduct ceremonies like sweats, we go to Pow Wows. 00:05:06.014 --> 00:05:10.519 align:center line:-2 And recently, we just finished making our hand drums 00:05:10.519 --> 00:05:13.730 align:center line:-2 and we're going to do a birthing ceremony. 00:05:13.730 --> 00:05:15.774 align:center line:-1 ♪ 00:05:15.774 --> 00:05:19.152 align:center line:-2 What really drew me to ILOY, initially, 00:05:19.152 --> 00:05:21.989 align:center line:-2 was the one year contract. It seemed like a good deal 00:05:21.989 --> 00:05:24.157 align:center line:-2 because I wasn't sure how far I wanted to go with it 00:05:24.157 --> 00:05:25.701 align:center line:-2 and jumping straight into, say, ROTP, 00:05:25.701 --> 00:05:27.369 align:center line:-2 was a really big commitment at the time. 00:05:27.369 --> 00:05:29.663 align:center line:-1 It's a free year. 00:05:29.663 --> 00:05:31.623 align:center line:-2 There's nothing, there's no obligations. 00:05:31.623 --> 00:05:34.585 align:center line:-2 You don't owe anybody anything. You're doing this for you. 00:05:34.585 --> 00:05:36.670 align:center line:-2 Who knows what ILOY is supposed to be? 00:05:36.670 --> 00:05:38.630 align:center line:-1 Each year is unique to itself. 00:05:38.630 --> 00:05:40.507 align:center line:-1 These programs are, 00:05:40.507 --> 00:05:42.551 align:center line:-2 even though they're not perfect right now 00:05:42.551 --> 00:05:45.220 align:center line:-2 and you know, they're always being worked on, 00:05:45.220 --> 00:05:47.014 align:center line:-1 they're improving, 00:05:47.014 --> 00:05:48.932 align:center line:-2 they're always an open door for people to come by. 00:05:48.932 --> 00:05:50.684 align:center line:-1 Year by year, brick by brick, 00:05:50.684 --> 00:05:52.686 align:center line:-2 it'll become what it's supposed to be. 00:05:52.686 --> 00:05:54.730 align:center line:-1 I say just try it out. 00:05:54.730 --> 00:05:56.481 align:center line:-1 Try the ILOY program, 00:05:56.481 --> 00:05:59.943 align:center line:-2 because we get so many opportunities here. 00:05:59.943 --> 00:06:01.862 align:center line:-2 I've woken up many mornings and thought, 00:06:01.862 --> 00:06:03.530 align:center line:-1 how much can I achieve today? 00:06:03.530 --> 00:06:05.699 align:center line:-2 Don't let your days at RMC go by fast. 00:06:05.699 --> 00:06:07.367 align:center line:-2 Don't let your days at ILOY go by fast, 00:06:07.367 --> 00:06:08.869 align:center line:-2 because they're some of the best. 00:06:08.869 --> 00:06:11.538 align:center line:-1 ♪